
This artifact collects profiling information about the running client. The artifact is automatically added when the GUI selects a non zero Trace frequency.

NOTE: You can also add the artifact directly, but then you will need to cancel the collection manually since it will continue to run until the timeout is reached.

Minimum Version: 0.6.8

name: Generic.Client.Trace
description: |
  This artifact collects profiling information about the running
  client. The artifact is automatically added when the GUI selects a
  non zero Trace frequency.

  NOTE: You can also add the artifact directly, but then you will need
  to cancel the collection manually since it will continue to run
  until the timeout is reached.

  Minimum Version: 0.6.8

- name: FrequencySec
  type: int
  default: 10

- query: |
    SELECT * FROM if(condition=version(function="trace"),
       SELECT trace() AS TraceFile
       FROM clock(start=0, period=FrequencySec)