Collect basic information about the client.
This artifact is collected when any new client is enrolled into the system. Velociraptor will watch for this artifact and populate its internal indexes from this artifact as well.
You can edit this artifact to enhance the client’s interrogation information as required, by adding new sources.
NOTE: Do not modify the BasicInformation source since it is used to interrogate the clients.
name: Generic.Client.Info
description: |
Collect basic information about the client.
This artifact is collected when any new client is enrolled into the
system. Velociraptor will watch for this artifact and populate its
internal indexes from this artifact as well.
You can edit this artifact to enhance the client's interrogation
information as required, by adding new sources.
NOTE: Do not modify the BasicInformation source since it is used to
interrogate the clients.
- name: BasicInformation
description: |
This source is used internally to populate agent info. Do not
modify or remove this query.
query: |
LET Interfaces = SELECT HardwareAddrString AS MAC
FROM interfaces()
WHERE HardwareAddr
SELECT config.Version.Name AS Name,
config.Version.BuildTime as BuildTime,
config.Version.Version as Version,
config.Version.ci_build_url AS build_url,
config.Version.install_time as install_time,
config.Labels AS Labels,
Hostname, OS, Architecture,
Platform, PlatformVersion, KernelVersion, Fqdn,
Interfaces.MAC AS MACAddresses
FROM info()
- name: DetailedInfo
query: |
LET Info = SELECT * FROM info()
SELECT _key AS Param, _value AS Value FROM items(item=Info[0])
- name: LinuxInfo
description: Linux specific information about the host
precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'linux'
query: |
SELECT if(condition=version(function='sysinfo') != NULL, then=sysinfo()) AS `Computer Info`,
{ SELECT Name, HardwareAddrString AS MACAddress,
Up, PointToPoint,
AddrsString AS IPAddresses
FROM interfaces() WHERE HardwareAddr} AS `Network Info`
FROM scope()
- name: WindowsInfo
description: Windows specific information about the host
precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'
query: |
LET DomainLookup <= dict(
`0`='Standalone Workstation',
`1`='Member Workstation',
`2`='Standalone Server',
`3`='Member Server',
`4`='Backup Domain Controller',
`5`='Primary Domain Controller')
SELECT DNSHostName, Name, Domain, TotalPhysicalMemory,
field=str(str=DomainRole), default="Unknown") AS DomainRole
FROM wmi(
query='SELECT * FROM win32_computersystem')
} AS `Computer Info`,
SELECT Caption,
join(array=IPAddress, sep=", ") AS IPAddresses,
join(array=IPSubnet, sep=", ") AS IPSubnet,
join(array=DefaultIPGateway, sep=", ") AS DefaultIPGateway,
join(array=DNSServerSearchOrder, sep=", ") AS DNSServerSearchOrder
FROM wmi(
query="SELECT * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" )
} AS `Network Info`
FROM scope()
- type: vql_suggestion
name: "Enumerate Domain Roles"
template: |
# Enumerate Domain Roles
Search all clients' enrollment information for their domain roles.
-- Remove the below comments to label Domain Controllers
SELECT *--, label(client_id=client_id, labels="DomainController", op="set") AS Label
FROM foreach(row={
SELECT * FROM clients()
}, query={
`Computer Info`.Name AS Name, client_id,
`Computer Info`.DomainRole AS DomainRole
FROM source(client_id=client_id,
-- WHERE DomainRole =~ "Controller"
- name: Users
precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'
query: |
SELECT Name, Description, Mtime AS LastLogin
FROM Artifact.Windows.Sys.Users()
- type: CLIENT
template: |
{{ $client_info := Query "SELECT * FROM clients(client_id=ClientId) LIMIT 1" | Expand }}
{{ $flow_id := Query "SELECT timestamp(epoch=active_time / 1000000) AS Timestamp FROM flows(client_id=ClientId, flow_id=FlowId)" | Expand }}
# {{ Get $client_info "0.os_info.fqdn" }} ( {{ Get $client_info "0.client_id" }} ) @ {{ Get $flow_id "0.Timestamp" }}
{{ Query "SELECT * FROM source(source='BasicInformation')" | Table }}
# Memory and CPU footprint over the past 24 hours
{{ define "resources" }}
SELECT * FROM sample(
SELECT Timestamp, rate(x=CPU, y=Timestamp) * 100 As CPUPercent,
RSS / 1000000 AS MemoryUse
FROM source(artifact="Generic.Client.Stats",
start_time=now() - 86400)
WHERE CPUPercent >= 0
{{ end }}
{{ define "computerinfo" }}
FROM source(artifact='Generic.Client.Info/LinuxInfo')
SELECT humanize(bytes=TotalPhysicalMemory) AS TotalPhysicalMemory,
humanize(bytes=TotalFreeMemory) AS TotalFreeMemory,
humanize(bytes=TotalSharedMemory) AS TotalSharedMemory,
humanize(bytes=TotalSwap) AS TotalSwap,
humanize(bytes=FreeSwap) AS FreeSwap
FROM foreach(row=X[0].`Computer Info`)
{{ end }}
{{ Query "resources" | LineChart "xaxis_mode" "time" "RSS.yaxis" 2 }}
{{ $windows_info := Query "SELECT * FROM source(source='WindowsInfo')" }}
{{ if $windows_info | Expand }}
# Windows agent information
{{ $windows_info | Table }}
{{ end }}
{{ $linux_info := Query "LET X <= SELECT * FROM source(artifact='Generic.Client.Info/LinuxInfo') LIMIT 1 SELECT * FROM X" }}
{{ if Query "SELECT * FROM source(artifact='Generic.Client.Info/LinuxInfo')" | Expand }}
# Linux agent information
### Network Info
{{ Query "SELECT * FROM foreach(row=X[0].`Network Info`)" | Table }}
### Computer Info
{{ Query "computerinfo" | Table }}
{{ end }}
# Active Users
{{ Query "SELECT * FROM source(source='Users')" | Table }}
- name: BuildTime
type: timestamp
- name: LastLogin
type: timestamp