This artifact cleans up the temp folder in the Velociraptor client.
name: Generic.Client.CleanupTemp
description: |
This artifact cleans up the temp folder in the Velociraptor client.
- name: TempGlob
default: "%TEMP%/**"
description: Glob to find all the files in the temp folder.
- name: AgeSeconds
default: 600
type: int
description: Any files older than this many seconds will be removed.
- name: ReadllyDoIt
type: bool
- query: |
LET Threshold <= timestamp(epoch=now() - AgeSeconds )
SELECT OSPath, Size, Mtime,
if(condition=ReadllyDoIt, then=rm(filename=OSPath)) AS Removed
FROM glob(globs=expand(path=TempGlob))
WHERE NOT IsDir AND Mtime < Threshold