Sometimes we wish to move a client from one org ID to another. This requires updating the config on the client and rekeying the client.
This artifact will replace the client’s config file and restart it. The config file will be verified before replacing it. If set to not rekey, the client will retain its client id but will be killed - the service manager should restart it and cause the new config to reload.
This artifact has a notebook suggestion that allows a client to be changed to a different org.
name: Admin.Client.UpdateClientConfig
description: |
Sometimes we wish to move a client from one org ID to another. This
requires updating the config on the client and rekeying the client.
This artifact will replace the client's config file and restart
it. The config file will be verified before replacing it. If set to
not rekey, the client will retain its client id but will be killed -
the service manager should restart it and cause the new config to
This artifact has a notebook suggestion that allows a client to be
changed to a different org.
- name: ConfigYaml
description: The new config to write in yaml form.
- name: ConfigPath
description: Path of config file to overwrite
- name: WaitPeriod
type: int
default: 10
- name: RekeyClient
type: bool
default: Y
description: Should the client rekey its client ID.
- query: |
LET ValidateConfig(Config) = Config.Client.server_urls
AND Config.Client.ca_certificate =~ "(?ms)-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.+-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
AND Config.Client.nonce
LET CheckConfigPath(ConfigPath) = SELECT * FROM stat(filename=ConfigPath)
LET Config <= parse_yaml(accessor="data", filename=ConfigYaml)
LET DoIt = if(condition=ValidateConfig(Config=Config),
else=log(level="ERROR", message="Config is invalid") AND FALSE,
message="Config Path %v is invalid",
args=ConfigPath) AND FALSE,
then=copy(accessor="data", filename=ConfigYaml, dest=ConfigPath)
AND if(condition= RekeyClient,
then=log(message="Rekeying in %v seconds ", args=WaitPeriod)
AND rekey(wait=WaitPeriod),
SELECT DoIt AS Success FROM scope()
- name: Move a client to a different OrgId
type: vql_suggestion
template: |
LET ClientId = "C.622d19ea21109231"
LET RequiredOrgId = "O123"
LET ConfigPath = "C:/Program Files/Velociraptor/client.config.yaml"
SELECT _client_config AS Config, OrgId ,
FROM orgs()
WHERE OrgId = RequiredOrgId